Monday, 30 May 2016

And thats May!

Well, I went through a bit of a Lull (at the busiest time in the growing calender - go figure?!)

Anyway - I've decided to do a garden up date every month - so as we are now right at the end of the month of May, I will count this as June's post and will up date again in the 1st week of July.

Here are the pics...

Bed 4: The Pumpkin Patch

Bed 3 (Left side) - Onions, munchkin Pumpkins, a French bean plant and some Gladioli have been planted too.

Bed 3 (Right side): 2 rows of carrots and 2 rows of Parsnip -  in succession. One sweet pea and 2 x munchkin pumpkins
 at the back

Bed 2: Several potatoes of different varietsy and 3 sweet pea plants at the back
Bed 1: Salad bed has now been harvested. 2 rows of carrots (3) and Parsnips (3) plus two
new rows of salad have now been planted. Two tomato plants at the back (left)

Newly cleared pots beside bed 1 have 3 rows of Radish (French Breakfast) in and lots of rocket-type salad.
New rose for Birthday  - Arthur Bell and 2 2 x munchkin pumpkins put into pot.


The length of my hand and harvested 30/5/16. A little tough and not as sweet as shop bought, but fine!

2 x sunflowers and 2 sweet Pepper plants (smaller is not potted on)
French beans and cress

Aubergine - biggest

I'm really pleased now that its all starting to grow!  I've already made some errors - but I wont bore you with that now! I look forward to seeing how things change and develop as we go into the next month!

That's all for now. Until next time x x