Here is the Mini Allotment update for July. We are now (shockingly) half way through the year already!
Its almost shocking how little i know and how much more i have to learn. I'm already thinking about next year and what I will do differently!
By far, the most exciting thing that has happened this month is my first "Harvest"....
....Please try not to laugh.....

Bed 1: Carrots and parsnips are just starting to show their heads now after about 2 weeks, and the radish is doing really well (Thanks a bunch Slug Pellets!) But i think i sowed them too shallow so Ive done a mini "earthing up" of them to help. And the Spinach next to them are doing well. Ive now thinned out both of these.
As you can see, Ive got some of one pumpkin plant growing up a bean support. It has got one bean plant growing up it but the bean doesn't seem to mind!
All in all, So far so good!
Looking forward to my next "Harvest"!!
That's all for now! Happy Gardening x
Its almost shocking how little i know and how much more i have to learn. I'm already thinking about next year and what I will do differently!
By far, the most exciting thing that has happened this month is my first "Harvest"....
....Please try not to laugh.....

Followed a few days later with ...
I tell you, you read and hear all about "How much better Home Grown tastes". Its true. End of.
Oh and the smell.....Its like my senses have been diluted all my life and now i know what real vegetables smell like!
So, in between down pours, Ive been faffing about and planting out some more potatoes and carrots.
Bed 1: Carrots and parsnips are just starting to show their heads now after about 2 weeks, and the radish is doing really well (Thanks a bunch Slug Pellets!) But i think i sowed them too shallow so Ive done a mini "earthing up" of them to help. And the Spinach next to them are doing well. Ive now thinned out both of these.
Bed 2: The last of the potatoes were dug up and the soil turned them I planted 4 more shop bought potatoes. (I wont be cutting the tops off these ones when they emerge!)
Bed 3: Carrots and Parsnip are slowly getting there and the Onions and Gladioli on the other side seem ok. Not sure how long the onions should take but they have been there forever!
The back of Bed 3 and 4 have also had a "hair cut" to make some room for flowers to get pollinated
easier. The sweet-peas and Little Miss's sunflowers are doing well and shooting up every day! The Munchkin Pumpkins are climbing faster than I can tie them to the supports!
Bed 4: Ive been having some trouble with the pumpkins as the fruits would get to the size of a golf ball, then rot and fall off. After some advice, it would seem that they weren't pollinating and that was causing the rot. So after a little "tickle" of the male and female flowers with a paintbrush, and a big trim of some of the leaves (to get to the flowers), Im hoping I will get some actual pumpkins growing now!

As you can see, Ive got some of one pumpkin plant growing up a bean support. It has got one bean plant growing up it but the bean doesn't seem to mind!
All in all, So far so good!
Looking forward to my next "Harvest"!!
That's all for now! Happy Gardening x
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