Thursday, 18 February 2016

February: the time has arrived!

This is a loooooooong over due post, so forgive me!

Its finally February half term and I've been looking forward to this week for quite some time!

Lets crack on with the photos, shall we?!

First things first; I have another vegetable bed! The Hubs had a brilliant idea to put another one in around by the side of the conservatory that still gets plenty of sun. This will now be the Pumpkin Patch!

They will all eventually be raised beds, but for now we have this and the one next to it done;

I also sorted out some side of the greenhouse so that I can grow Cucumber and Tomatoes in this large blue tub and I turned the shelves up and tied them to use as support structures (aren't I clever?!)

The Little Miss and I got on with lots of planting!

The conservatory now resembles a Green house, but its warm and bright in there, so that should help with the germination!

Planted (18/2/16):
Sweet Peas (old spice mixed),
Pepper (Sweet Romano Mixed),
Tomato (Sungold),
Onion (Red Baron),
Cucumber (Marketmore 76),
Spinach (Medania) ...and ...
Chard (White silver 2).

If the Aubergines and carrots are anything to go by, then its be best place for my little veggies...

I have put a cover and started a support structure for the carrot/parsnip bed...

And the Daffodils and the Tulips in the pots are really starting to shoot up now and I can't wait to see them!

I've also planted most of the flowers that were on my Potting table into the flower bed under the willow tree. I gave the willow a major hair cut back in autumn so I'm hoping more light will get to this place this year.

The things I'm the most excited about growing this year are the Pumpkins. I finally got my hands on some Munchkin Pumpkins from Sarah Raven, which Katie over at Lavender and Leeks raved about in 2014 (although her growing of them didn't go so well last year). But when I tried to get them in Autumn 2014, they were all sold out and as I didn't grow veg last year I didn't think to get any. Now I'm the proud owner of some! I only hope that the larger pumpkin seeds that I saved from our shop-bought Halloween ones will grow!

That's all for now.
Until next time, you take care now x

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